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Alberta Midwife

We are so lucky here in Alberta. To care for our us we get not one but two options of who we would like to overseeing our pregnancy, an OB or a midwife. While OB’s have been the standard for a long time, midwives are gaining in their popularity. Both options are covered by Alberta […]


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | Why Choose a Midwife?

July 13, 2021

Edmonton Newborn Photography

I have always been an artist. From as young as I can remember I have always been creative. Making crafts out of scraps of what I thought was treasure (or garbage to others 😂), sketching images of people I saw, dancing, writing my own songs, I am artistic in every sense of the word. So […]


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | My Photography Journey

July 11, 2021

You’ve done it! You’ve booked your newborn photo session and you’re excited for all of the cute photos you’re gonna get of your sweet little babe! As a “Baby Whisperer” I have a number of tricks up my sleeve I can use to help your babe feel relaxed and sleepy and ensure we get the […]


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | How to Prepare for Your Newborn Photo Session

July 5, 2021

What a sweet baby boy! When his mom and dad brought him in I was super excited, with a full head of hair and a truly sleepy baby he made his session a dream. His parents wanted neutrals and browns for his Edmonton newborn photos and they went perfectly with his olive complexion. All of […]


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | Baby N’s Photoshoot with Both Parents

July 4, 2021

Edmonton Newborn Photographer Products

We live in a world where everything is digital. We share our lives over social media instead of looking at old black and white photographs from the olden days. And let me tell you I am super thankful to have the internet and social media, I lived for 2 years on my own in England […]


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | Why Print Your Photographs?

June 30, 2021

When his Mom got a hold of me last minute to schedule their Edmonton newborn photo session I was excited because she was really easy going and open to anything, which makes it really fun for me as a photographer to be able to play around with some different setups. This little guy was a […]


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | Earthy Newborn Baby Boy Session in Edmonton, AB

June 28, 2021

Edmonton Newborn Photography Studio

Covid-19 is clearly no joke, it’s been a year and a half and we’re still not over this thing. Much like everyone else I’m praying this thing ends soon and that we can go back to some form of normal.  As your Edmonton Newborn photographer my number one concern is for the safety of your […]


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | Covid-19 Studio Safety

June 19, 2021

Edmonton Newborn Photographer Newborn Session

This Edmonton Newborn Mini Session was close to my heart as the Mama was an old co-worker of mine. So when she messaged me saying that she was expecting her second, a girl (her first was a boy) I was super excited to be doing their newborn photos. Baby B. was such a little doll. […]


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | Beautiful Baby B’s Mini Session

June 15, 2021

Congrats! Your sweet little baby will be here before you know it. You’re probably busy prepping the nursery, trying to navigate your way through all of those baby gadgets trying to decide which ones to buy, and just mentally prepare yourself for how your life is going to change.  Some people pack their hospital bag […]


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | What to Pack In Your Hospital Bag?

June 11, 2021

Edmonton Baby Boy Newborn Photo

This little guy’s newborn session was so perfect. It was wonderful to do pictures with the whole family and include big brother. you just know that they are going to have such a special bond as they get older. Baby L. was so calm and easy going his entire session and made the whole thing […]


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | Baby L.’s Newborn Session & Full Family Session

June 9, 2021