Love Promo - book a Newborn Session and receive 10%off

Love Promo - book a Newborn Session and receive 10%off

We live in a world where everything is digital. We share our lives over social media instead of looking at old black and white photographs from the olden days. And let me tell you I am super thankful to have the internet and social media, I lived for 2 years on my own in England and being able to Skype my family and see what they were up to on Facebook was a life saver. But the problem with digital is while it’s a nice quick look into our lives, there’s so much of it and our special memories just get buried and lost in the multitude. We end up with a million photos on our iPhones that never get looked at, and only get emptied onto a hard drive later to clear up space. 

A picture is a memory, it’s taken to capture a moment in time. A picture tells a story of the relationships between people, who someone was, the tiny details that all put together make up our life stories. If you have kids you’ll understand more when I say these moments and memories are fleeting, they go by so quickly before you have a moment to blink. One minute you’re welcoming your new baby into the world and next minute they’re saying their first words and taking their first steps. These precious moments are what make up our stories, and rather than burring them, let’s celebrate them! This is why I encourage people to print their photographs, hang up a canvas in your home, make an album to have on your coffee table to share when your friends come over. Allow these precious memories and moments to have a place in your home. 

It’s so easy to just get the digitals and never do anything with them. When my husband and I got married, getting good photographs were so important to me. I spent a decent amount of  our budget on photography because our wedding day was something I never wanted to forget. But after our wedding I got busy, and as much as I meant to print our photos, they’re still sitting on my computer! This is why I encourage my clients to order wall art and albums from me right away, because not only is it professional quality, but it’s too easy to get busy later on and never end up printing them. 

I specialize in creating custom heirloom art pieces for my clients. I work with you to find what suits your tastes, what will look best in your home, and what will best preserve your memories for years to come. While I do offer digitals as part of my packages, the real show stoppers are the beautiful customized artwork you will take home. If you’re wanting those precious first days with your little babe to be preserved and those memories and stories to be told, then I’m your girl!

Go to my contact page and fill out the form so we can start planning your newborn session today!


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | Why Print Your Photographs?

Edmonton Newborn Photographer Products


I am currently booking newborn sessions a few months out. While I can sometimes fit in last minute bookings, the best way to ensure your spot is to book early as I only take a limited number of newborn clients per month to ensure customer experience.

I offer my clients a customized luxury experience that is personalized just for you. I try and make the whole experience as stress-free as possible so you can focus on preparing for and then enjoying your new babe!

For more information and availability contact me now!

Book Your Newborn Session

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