Love Promo - book a Newborn Session and receive 10%off

Love Promo - book a Newborn Session and receive 10%off

Some of my favorite sessions are when parents bring in the whole family to be included in photos. I love seeing how siblings interact with one another, especially when there is a new baby in the mix. This is even more true when the siblings are older, because instead of the confusion and jealousy you might see with younger siblings who are getting used to having to share attention, it’s more an excited fight to who get to be the one to hold the baby first.

Just the Boys

These sisters and brother absolutely adored their new baby brother. You could see they were all so excited to hold and snuggle him. It was especially adorable when Mom informed me that big brother would like a separate photo together of just the boys.

Big Happy Family

This sweet family absolutely rocked their family photos, and I was so blessed to be able to capture this special moment in time for them when their family grew from a family of 5 to a family of 6.

Like Father Like Son

I always like to ask clients when they bring in their babies who do they think they resemble? It’s funny because sometimes it’s very clear to see and other times a baby just looks like their own unique little person. When I held him it was very easy to see that this little guy definitely took after his Daddy, you can definitely see it in his coloring.

Sleepy Baby Boy

I loved the rustic feel of this setup and I think with his coloring it just made for the perfect pictures of him.

Baby in a Bucket

There’s nothing more adorable than a cute baby in a bucket and this little guy was no exception especially with his cute little smirk.

Baby Boy in Blue

This sweet little man looked absolutely adorable in blue. The soft pale blue really just showed off how completely perfect his complexion was. He was so good to me and just slept and slept allowing me to get through so many poses with him.

Posed Newborn Photos

Chin on hands is one of my favorite poses because you get such a clear view of their face and their tiny little fingers. Plus I love how peaceful babies look when they’re sleeping like this.

They Grow Up Too Fast!

Right now this little guy looks tiny and so small. But give him a couple more weeks and he’ll be bigger, he’ll be more alert, and he’ll be changing by the day. It amazes me just how quickly babies go from being this tiny little thing, into a full walking, talking little person. I know this family is gonna look back on these photos and really treasure being able to remember just how small he started out.


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | Baby Brother

Leduc newborn photo session


I am currently booking newborn sessions a few months out. While I can sometimes fit in last minute bookings, the best way to ensure your spot is to book early as I only take a limited number of newborn clients per month to ensure customer experience.

I offer my clients a customized luxury experience that is personalized just for you. I try and make the whole experience as stress-free as possible so you can focus on preparing for and then enjoying your new babe!

For more information and availability contact me now!

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