You’ve done it! You’ve booked your newborn photo session and you’re excited for all of the cute photos you’re gonna get of your sweet little babe! As a “Baby Whisperer” I have a number of tricks up my sleeve I can use to help your babe feel relaxed and sleepy and ensure we get the best photos of your baby during your session. But to really ensure you get the best results from your newborn session, here are some tips to help you prepare yourself and your baby.

Before You Arrive:

  • If your baby is breastfed please avoid for 24 hours prior, foods that can give baby gas or upset their stomach (broccoli, cabbage, beans, garlic, and spicy foods), caffeinated drinks, and lots of dairy.
  • Dress your babe in loose fitting clothing (a button or zippered sleeper is best) so that it’s easy to get them undressed and not wake them up too much when the session begins.
  • Try to keep baby awake 45 min – 1 hour before you leave for your session. A bath is a great way to help fill this time and it also allows your little one to be fresh for their session. It is totally fine if your baby falls asleep in the car on the way to your session.
  • Make sure baby has a full tummy before you leave, feeding baby should be the last thing you do before you leave the house.

What to Bring:

  • Newborn sessions can last anywhere from 2-3.5 hours long. While I do have drinks and snacks available for my clients (bonus!), having something for yourself to help occupy your time, like an ipad, kindle, phone and charger is always great. Although you might feel so relaxed yourself, you might just be tempted to take a nap!
  • I always recommend bringing an extra set of clothes for yourself because poop happens!
  • To help get baby really sleepy please bring extra bottles of formula/pumped breast milk (they work great for simultaneous feeding and posing).
  • I always encourage parents to bring a pacifier along because it can often help babies settle while being posed if they begin to stir. My goal is to only use a pacifier if baby is having trouble settling as to not create any habit forming long-term.
  • If you know your baby is gassy, bring along gripe water or oval drops to help settle their tummy.
  • If you’re wanting to get family photos taken with your newborn during your session, I always encourage neutral colored shirts and no logos. You want the focus to be on your family and your precious babe without having to compete with the clothes you are wearing.
  • I keep the studio warm and toasty to help keep your baby warm and toasty and sleepy, I encourage you to dress in layers so you’re not too warm.

If you still haven’t booked your Edmonton newborn session, I book up far in advance! I typically encourage parents to reach out to me in the 2nd trimester. If you would like to book your session with me, fill out the contact form and I will get back to you about planning your newborn session!


Edmonton, Alberta Newborn Photographer | How to Prepare for Your Newborn Photo Session


I am currently booking newborn sessions a few months out. While I can sometimes fit in last minute bookings, the best way to ensure your spot is to book early as I only take a limited number of newborn clients per month to ensure customer experience.

I offer my clients a customized luxury experience that is personalized just for you. I try and make the whole experience as stress-free as possible so you can focus on preparing for and then enjoying your new babe!

For more information and availability contact me now!

Book Your Newborn Session

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